Ez money Ez life my friend

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Largest Cyber-Attack In History Causes Global Internet Slowdown

If you’ve noticed that some websites have been slow recently, there’s a good reason for that. A huge distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack was launched against spam-fighting organization Spamhaus. With traffic peaking at over 300Gbps, this attack has had repercussions across the world. It’s being called the biggest cyber-attack in history.

So, what provoked this attack? A Dutch web host named Cyberbunker was recently blacklisted by Spamhaus. Starting a little over a week ago, the anti-spam organization started getting hit with a large-scale DDoS. Reportedly, the attack would be more than enough to knock down even government infrastructure. Now, Spamhaus is accusing Cyberbunker of hiring Eastern European organized crime outfits to take down the blacklist servers in retaliation.

By using techniques like DNS reflection, the attackers have been slamming Spamhaus for over a week. Steve Linford, CEO of Spamhaus, says that while attacks on large banks usually see peak traffic of 50Gbps, Spamhaus is seeing peaks over six times that amount. “This is definitely huge and [Spamhaus] has an infrastructure that gets hit with this stuff all the time, so for them to have issues with it makes it that much larger,”Adam Wosotowsky, Messaging Data Architect at McAfee Labs, told ExtremeTech today.

Despite the incredible amount of traffic, Spamhaus continues to operate. By working with cloud optimization and security company CloudFlare, the service has remained up and functional, for the most part. By load-balancing the incoming traffic to 23 different data centers across the globe, the attack was effectively diluted.

So Spamhaus got hit with a big attack, but it survived. Big deal, right? Well, unfortunately all of this illicit traffic is having a damaging effect on connection speeds.Netflix, which relies on content delivery networks (CDNs) around the world, is seeing substantial slowdown thanks to the congestion caused by the attack. While the slowdown is far from universal, it is worrisome. If a single attack against an anti-spam company can throw a monkey wrench into the internet,
what would all-out cyberwar do?

We’ve covered the threat of cyber-attacks from China in the past. The United States has even been accused of attacking allies. If a large scale attack were to hit the US, be it from hacking or DDoS, entire industries could crumble. This gigantic attack is just a pissed-off web host giving some “payback” to a spam blocker. What if a terrorist organization or rogue state decided to try to take out infrastructure?
TCP/IP and DNS are resilient, but they aren’t perfect. Interrupt the internet and the first world would drop to its knees.

Facebook Hacking Methods All In One

Facebook Hacking Methods All In One

So You Guys wanna Learn Facebook Hacking.  ..How to Hack Facebook Accounts Easily Yeah And I Mean It.
So Here Goes All Methods Of Facebook Hacking From Zero To One .. .
Let's Go.
Before Starting I Think You Guys All Know What Is Facebook How To Use It  .. That's Why You Are Here.
So Before Starting Let me Clear One thing There's No Such Software Exists Which Will Hack Facebook for You

The Only Two Methods By Which You Can Hack Facebook Is
  • Hire A Professional Hacker Who Will Hack For You
  • Or Just Learn All These Methods which i'm Gonna Provide you

Facebook Hacking Methods Are Following:

1.    Session Hijacking Attack
2.    Facebook Security
3.    Cookie Stealing Attack
4.    Keylogging
5.    Clickjacking
6.    Tabnabbing
7.    Remote Administration Tools
8.    Social Engineering Attack
9.   Phishing attack
10.  Using 3 Fake Friends Method

  •    Session Hijacking Attack :- What Is Session Hijacking Attack ? Session hijacking, also known as TCP session hijacking, is a method of taking over a Web user session by surreptitiously obtaining the session ID and masquerading as the authorized user. Once the user's session ID has been accessed (through session prediction), the attacker can masquerade as that user and do anything the user is authorized to do on the network.
    Click Here To Get In Detail With Session Hijacking:- Click Me
  •     Facebook Security :- When you bookmark the URL for Facebook or any of your other social networks, be sure to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. This encrypts your communications.

    In fact, you will have to temporarily disable this feature any time you give access to a new application. That alone should give you confidence that you have achieved a greater level of protection.
    Click Here To Get In Detail With Facebook Security:- Click Me 
  •  Cookie Stealing Attack :- In this tutorial i will explain how you can hack a Facebook/twitter accounts by stealing cookies. This method works only when the victims computer is in a LAN (local area network ).Best place to try out this is in schools ,collages ,cafes . where computers are connected in LAN .Before i proceed let me first...
    Click Here To Get In Detail With Cookie Stealing Attack :- Click Me
  •     Keylogging :- What Is Keyloggers? Using key logger utility you will be able to establish full control over your computer. You will also find out, what was going on your computer in your absence: what was run and typed etc which act as best children internet protection software. Using the keylogging program constantly,...
    Click Here To Get In Detail With Keylogging:- Click Me
  •     Clickjacking :- What is Clickjacking? Clickjacking is a technique used by hackers or spammers to trick or cheat the users into clicking on links or buttons that are hidden from normal view (usually links color is same as page background). Clickjacking is possible because of a security weakness in web browsers that allows...
    Click Here To Get In Detail With Clickjacking :- Click Me
  •     Tabnabbing :- Hey friends,It's Chris Defaulter Valentine.An Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE),Internet Marketer IIT hacker I Have 10 Years' Experience Circumventing Information Security Measures And Can Report That I've Successfully Compromised All Systems That I Targeted For Unauthorized Access Except One. I Have...
    Click Here To Get In Detail With Tabnabbing :- Click Me
  •  Remote Administration Tools :- A remote administration tool (or RAT) is a program that allows certain persons to connect to and manage remote computers in the Internet or across a local network. A remote administration tool is based on the server and client technology. The server part runs on a controlled computer and receives commands...
    Click Here To Get In Detail With Remote Administration Tools :- Click Me
  •  Social Engineering Attack :- I myself have had a few people in the past ask me questions on social engineering. I always say to anyone, you need to imagine social engineering as a game. But before i talk about the 'Game', I want to go into detail about Basic knowledge and self preparation. Basic knowledge and self preparation: It's...
    Click Here To Get In Detail With Social Engineering Attack :- Click Me
  •     Phishing attack :- Phishing - is an e-mail fraud method in which the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking email in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients. Typically, the messages appear to come from well known and trustworthy Web sites. Web sites that are frequently spoofed by phishers include...
    Click Here To Get In Detail With Phishing attack :- Click Me
  •     Using 3 Fake Friends Method :- Hack Facebook Account" is most popular term is the in Web, Previously I posted many articles on "Hack Facebook Accounts" with Keyloggers, phishing, etc but that Hacking Of Facebook Account methods are not working fine now a days. So Hackers have to go smarter and we have found a new security hole (its just...
    Click Here To Get In Detail With Using 3 Fake Friends Method :- Click Me
Note: This tutorial is only for Educational Purposes, I did not take any responsibility of any misuse, you will be solely responsible for any misuse that you do. Hacking email accounts is criminal activity and is punishable under cyber crime and you may get up to 40 years of imprisonment, if got caught in doing so.  

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Free Download : CEH [ Certified Ethical Hacker Ebooks


1: Student Introduction
2: Introduction to Ethical Hacking
3: Hacking Laws
4: Footprinting
5: Google Hacking
6: Scanning
7: Enumeration
8: System Hacking
9: Trojans and Backdoors
10: Viruses and Worms
11: Sniffers
12: Social Engineering
13: Phishing
14: Hacking Email Accounts
15: Denial of Service
16: Session Hijacking
17: Hacking Webservers
18: Web Application Vulnerabilities
19: Web based Password Cracking Techniques
20: SQL Injection
21: Hacking Wireless Networks
22: Physical Security
23: Linux Hacking
24: Evading IDS Firewall and Honeypot
25: Buffer Overflows
26: Cryptography
27: Penetration Testing
28: Writing Virus Codes
29: Assembly Language Tutorial
30: Exploit Writing 1 
31: Exploit Writing 2 
32: Exploit Writing 3 
33: Reverse Engineering Techniques
34: MAC OS X Hacking
35: Hacking Routers, Cable Modems and Firewalls
36: Hacking Mobile Phones, PDA and Handheld Devices
37: Bluetooth Hacking
38: VoIP Hacking
39: RFID Hacking
40: Spamming
41: Hacking USB Devices
42: Hacking Database Servers
43: Cyber Warfare- Hacking Al-Qaida and Terrorism
44: Internet Content Filtering Techniques
45: Privacy on the Internet
46: Securing Laptop Computers
47: Spying Technologies
48: Corporate Espionage by Insiders
49: Creating Security Policies
50: Software Piracy and W
51: Hacking and Cheating Online Games
52: Hacking RSS and Atom
53: Hacking Web Browsers
54: Proxy Server Technologies
55: Preventing Data Loss
56: Hacking Global Positioning System
57: Computer Forensics and Incident Handling
58: Credit Card Frauds
59: How to Steal Passwords
60: Firewall Technologies
61: Threats and Countermeasures
62: Case Studies
63: Botnets
64: Economic Espionage
65: Patch Management
67: Security Convergence
68: Identifying the Terrorists
69: prova 312-50
70: CEH - Classroom Lab Setup v6

Download Link: 

- 1: Certified Ethical Hacker_Vol_1.rar - 51 MB
- 2: Certified Ethical Hacker_Vol_2.rar - 51 MB
- 5: Certified Ethical Hacker_Vol_5.rar - 51 MB
- 6: Certified Ethical Hacker_Vol_6.rar - 18 MB

Password:- Maya Badmash

Get Free Dota 2 Steam Keys

Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Valve Corporation and the stand-alone sequel to the Defense of the Ancients mod for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion packThe Frozen Throne. Formally announced on October 13, 2010, via Game Informer, the game is currently available for early test access purchase, with a free-to-play business model when released. Dota 2 will be released via download by Valve's content delivery platform Steam, on which the game has been developed to run exclusively for both release and update delivery. Dota 2 will run on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.

Dota 2 consists of session-based online multiplayer activity, with the primary objective of each match being for teams to destroy their opposing team's fortified stronghold. Each player controls a player character called a "hero", who is given the responsibility of participating in team combat, which generally takes place along a series of lanes that connect their opposing bases, lined with defensive towers. The gameplay elements are largely incorporated from Defense of the Ancients, with the game's lead designer, IceFrog, being the longest-serving and current developer of the Warcraft III mod.

This game costs around $30 and is available only on steam.

You can download steam client and register for a free steam account by following this link:

After, installing steam client, login from the account you just created.

Click on "Add Game" option and then select "Add a steam game"

Then use one of these keys. Remember, a key can be used only once, so Hurry!!!







Alternative option,  you can also activate by using this invite (Only 1 available)

Hope you enjoyed this post.

Please Like and Share  

want steam acc?
lemme know 

Monday, 25 March 2013

Hack Facebook account using cookie stealing

How to hack a facebook account – or, basically how to hijack php sessions. Yes – this is old news – yes its a common vulnerability – but you get a better idea for what it is and how it works when things are explained in detail (with screenshots!).

Before we begin, however, I want to re-emphasize that it is VERY EASY to protect yourself against this sort of attack. Facebook supports HTTPS, so when you browse facebook (or twitter for that matter) or if you have it bookmarked – please make sure you’re using HTTPS:// rather than HTTP://in the URL at the very least, if not using a VPN solution for further encryption. Also, if the ‘victim’ logs out of facebook, the attackers session becomes invalid – so it’s a good practice to actually log out of facebook and log back in again rather than using the ‘remember me’ checkbox.

Facebook like many sites operates using authentication cookies. Their auth cookies contain a variety of information, but for our purposes this is irrelevant. Here is a sanitized cookie for reference:

Cookie: datr=1276721606-b7f94f977295759399293c5b0767618dc02111ede159a827030fc; lsd=Xesut; lxe=greg.evans%40****************; c_user=100001230367821; lo=wl9fcGXMhPfoT4bAhKFP3Q; lxs=1; sct=1276721745; xs=a615cfe596448194d6e2a8d062a90e4e

You can see the ‘lxe’ field is the login. We haven’t done any further research into what the various other fields mean, but using facebook without any kind of security you’re both leaking the email address used for your login and the session cookie.

First thing you’ll want to do is fire up your favorite packet capture application. For this example we’ve used Wireshark:

Next, set the filter in the top left to ” http.cookie contains “datr” “. This should show you only packets captured which contain the cookie we’re looking for. You can see that in this screenshot we’ve already captured a cookie.

Once you’ve found a suitable cookie, you can copy it into the buffer by right clicking on the cookie line, and clicking Copy -> Bytes (Printable Text Only)

Next you’ll want to open up firefox. You’ll need both greasemonkey and the cookieinjector script.
Simply browse to facebook – make sure you are not logged in:

Hit ALT-C to bring up the cookie injector dialog box:

Then paste in the cookie!

Hit refresh and – VIOLA! you’re now logged in as your victim! Now this doesn’t give you access to their credentials, this is about the equivalent to walking up to their workstation while they’re away from their desk and using facebook.

Neat huh? Pretty easy too. I smiled big when we demo’ed the attack in our lab – its old, sure, but being successful is always a good feeling!

Hope you enjoyed this post

Saturday, 23 March 2013



sopen d hack
start cs
press capslock key to start d hack (press capslock key every time u die to start)



like n enjoy

want steam games go here

Kaspersky 2012 Activation Key


1. Turn of your Internet Connection (In the below right connect, click on the Network icon and choose Disable or Access Start à Setting à Control Panel à Network Connection, then Disable Internet access).

2. On Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 Beta, click on"Insert your activation code here" one the right corner. Then click on Activate the application button.

3. Check on Activate commercial version box, then fill up with any number on the Enter activation code field (such as 1231234567, for example:-P). Click on Next.

4. Waiting for few seconds. You will get a notification that informs you don't have an Internet connection "Internet connection is missing". Then, you just need to click on Browse in the Key file field and browse the key on your hard disk to activate Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 Beta.

5. Enable your Internet Connection. Update KIS 2012 beta data and scan your computer now.

Note: If you have already activated the trial key (90 days), then click on the red X symbol next to License number to remove the old license.


download key file n enjoy

How to get Twitter Followers, Facebook Likes, Youtube Subscribers etc. free

People need Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, Youtube Subscribers, Youtube Video Views and much more nowadays. So here we present a great post on the basis of how to get them?

First of all, click here to go to the website named "YouLikeHits" and sign-up for a free account.

Earn points and use them for getting free Facebook likes, Twitter followers, Youtube subscribers and much more.

How to Earn Points: -

There are 4 different ways to earn points.

#1 Earn Points by Following, Liking, etc.
In order to earn points this way just click on one of the Tabs to the left of that website. If you're wanting to like YouTube videos for Points then click on the "YouTube Likes" tab. From there you will either be instructed on how to continue or you will receive a list of videos to interact with. The "Points" listed under each page is how many points you will receive for Liking that video.

#2 Earn Points by Buying Them
If your time is important to you then this might be the best option for you. You can purchase points by going to this page. All points purchased will be added to your account within 24 hours of your payment clearing. They accept both PayPal and Google Checkout.

#3 Earn Points by Referrals
 You can earn points for telling your friends, family or customers about YouLikeHits. Just use your "Referral Link" when sending then to the site. You will receive 150 Points for each person that signs up to YouLikeHits from a different internet connection. They must earn some points and use YouLikeHits for a little while before you get your points though.

#4 Earn Points by Daily Bonus
 They also offer a daily bonus each day. You can earn this daily bonus just by logging in every day and meeting some prerequisites.

Hack any Nokia/Symbian users mobile using your Nokia s40/s60 phone

Hack any Nokia/Symbian users mobile using your Nokia s40/s60 phone

Super Bluetooth Hack v1.8 (BT Info) is a free software available for Nokia s40/s60 phones that allows you to hack any Nokia Mobile just by using bluetooth or infrared.

You can:
- read his messages
- read his contacts
- change profile
- play his ringtone even if phone is on silent
- play his songs(in his phone)
- restart the phone
- switch off the phone
- restore factory settings
- change ringing volume
- And here comes the best
- Call from his phone” it includes all call functions like hold

Note: This trick may not work to hack Nokia Lumia series because they do not have bluetooth and have a windows operating system.

To download this hack, please click here.

Hope you enjoyed this post.

Please Like and Share.

Make your Windows XP Genuine in 2 minutes using WXG.rar

WXG.rar is a toolkit that enables you to make Windows XP Genuine to use some features like free antivirus and Windows Update. It is the easiest tool for getting free Windows XP.

Follow these instructions: -

1. Open The Winodws XP Keygen included with the package, to generate a genuine Serial key for WINXP!
When the Program opens, under Product Family, click the box and choose "Windows XP Pro.VLK". then click the button "Generate".
A serial will appear on the bottom, leave the program open!

2. Open the Program "KeyFinder.exe" which displays your Product key for any Wndows PC and Office Product. Also allows you to change your Product Key!
Make sure the "Microsoft Windows" tab is open. Then Click on the Options Menu, followed by "Change Windows Key"
In the boxes enter the Serial key, from the Keygen Program! followed by clicking the button "Change". a pop up will appear!. And follow what ever it says!

3. Now open the program wga-fix, if a pop up comes out simply click Yes, don't worry about the unreadable language.

4. Open the program MGADiag (Microsoft Genuine Validtaion Diiagnostic Tool). To Control Your WGA Status and to make sure you are running a GENUINE PC and more! Click the Button "Continue"! Once the process is finish click OK!

5. Finaly if you have any cracked LegitControlCheck.dll, Delete it from the System32 Folder "C:\Windows\Sytem32". and download
the WGA tool from Microsoft and there you have it! Your PC is 100% genuine, no need to by a PC!

Please ignore the grammatical/spelling mistakes if any!

To download this software, please click here.

Hope you enjoyed this post.

Please Like and Share

Learn C++ using the special edition E-book

C++ (pronounced "see plus plus") is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as an intermediate-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features. Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs, C++ was originally named C with Classes, adding object oriented features, such as classes, and other enhancements to the C programming language. The language was renamed C++ in 1983, as a pun involving the increment operator.

C++ is one of the most popular programming languages and is implemented on a wide variety of hardware and operating system platforms. As an efficient compiler to native code, its application domains include systems software, application software, device drivers, embedded software, high-performance server and client applications, and entertainment software such as video games.Several groups provide both free and proprietary C++ compiler software, including the GNU Project, Microsoft, Intel and Embarcadero Technologies. C++ has greatly influenced many other popular programming languages, most notably C# and Java. Other successful languages such as Objective-C use a very different syntax and approach to adding classes to C.

C++ is also used for hardware design, where the design is initially described in C++, then analyzed, architecturally constrained, and scheduled to create a register-transfer level hardware description language via high-level synthesis.

The language began as enhancements to C, first adding classes, then virtual functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates and exception handling among other features. After years of development, the C++ programming language standard was ratified in 1998 as ISO/IEC 14882:1998. The standard was amended by the 2003 technical corrigendum, ISO/IEC 14882:2003. The current standard extending C++ with new features was ratified and published by ISO in September 2011 as ISO/IEC 14882:2011 (informally known as C++11).

 Now, you have the opportunity to learn this…..

To download the e-book to learn it, please click here.

Hope you enjoyed this post.

Please Like and Share.


What is a php shell?

PHP Shell is a shell wrapped in a PHP script. It’s a tool you can use
to execute arbitrary shell- commands or browse the filesystem on your
remote webserver. This replaces, to a degree, a normal telnet
connection, and to a lesser degree a SSH connection. You use it for
administration and maintenance of your website, which is often much
easier to do if you can work directly on the server. For example, you
could use PHP Shell to unpack and move big files
around. All the normal command line programs like ps, free, du, df,
etc… can be used.

C99 is the shell by which you can manage the files of a website. Let
me explain practically :-

 Create a fake account on http://www.my3gb.com and download c99
shell(link given below in step 1) in zip extract it to your pc. After
extracing upload c99.php file to your my3gb account and logout from
your account. Now just go to the link of the shell i.e.
Now you can access control panel of the website without login into your account.

To hack the website's control panel Just follow these steps :

Step 1 : Download a php shell. I recommended c99 because of its
extended features. For download go to http://sh3ll.org/ and download
c99 shell in zip.
Then extract it.

Step 2 : Now find a place where you can upload photos in website.

Step 3 : Upload your shell here. If the website dont allow to upload
.php file then change it to .php.gif or .jpg

Step 4 : Now go to the link of the file that should be
www.abc.com/yourfilename.extension of your file


Now here you can see all the files of that website. Now you can access cpanel. Written by Mafiya Boy Ankit who is 13 years old hacker. 